Portuguese Piano Trios, Vol. 1

Trío Pangea


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Past centuries of Portuguese music have left a rich and varied legacy of repertoire inspired by various national and international aesthetic trends. Luiz Costa’s teaching was influential on generations of Portuguese musicians, his Trio, Op. 15 representing his mature neo-classical style and including the most moving Adagio he ever wrote. The wide expressive range of Claúdio Carneyro’s Trio, Op. 24 blends both modern and archaic techniques into a work of intimacy, joyousness and drama. Sérgio Azevedo is one of Portugal’s leading contemporary composers, his Hukvaldy Trio drawing on fragments by Janácek to create an eerie interaction of past and present.

Detalhes / Referência

Portuguese Piano Trios, Vol. 1

Luís Costa (1879-1960)
1-4. Trio Op. 15 (1937)

Cláudio Carneyro (1895-1963)
5-7. Trio Op. 24 (1928)

Sérgio Azevedo (b.1968)
8. Hukvaldy Trio (2013)

Trío Pangea
Bruno Belthoise, piano
Adolfo Rascón Carbajal, violin
Teresa Valente Pereira, Cello

Ficha Técnica

Tipo de ProdutoCD
Número de Catálogo/ISBN0747313340279
Peso de item
Data gravação2016
Data de Lançamento2016