
Marianne Crebassa (mezzo), Fazil Say (piano)


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Mezzo-soprano Marianne Crebassa and pianist Fazil Say share some tantalising, captivating and sensuous Secrets in this album of songs, centred on Debussy’s Trois Chansons de Bilitis, Ravel’s Shéhérazade and Fazil Say’s own Gezi Park 3 – which he and Crebassa premiered in 2014. Describing the recording sessions, Marianne Crebassa says: “Sometimes we worked in a kind of trance … there were some moments when nothing seemed to exist around us …”

Secrets includes Debussy’s discreetly erotic Trois Chansons de Bilitis, settings of texts by Pierre Louÿs that were inspired by ancient Greek literature, and Ravel’s sumptuous Shéhérazade, three contrasting songs that conjure up exotic moods rather than retelling the stories of the 1001 Nights. They are joined by a work by Fazil Say that is inspired by his native Turkey, but which moves away from the spirit of legend and fantasy: Gezi Park 3 belongs to a series of works that he composed in response to the momentous civil protests that took place in in Istanbul in June 2013.

Say and Crebassa gave its premiere in Bremen in September 2014, where it was heard as a ‘Ballad for mezzo-soprano, piano and orchestra’. Crebassa’s part is a wordless vocalise and the work is recorded here in a version for voice and piano.

Detalhes / Referência

French Songs

Debussy: L'échelonnement des haies
Debussy: La mer est plus belle
Debussy: Le Son du cor
Debussy: Trois chansons de Bilitis
Debussy: Trois Mélodies de Verlaine
Duparc: Au pays ou se fait la guerre
Duparc: Chanson triste
Duparc: Élégie
Duparc: Lamento
Fauré: Mirages, Op. 113
Ravel: Shéhérazade
Ravel: Vocalise-étude en forme de habanera
Say: Gezi Park 3

Marianne Crebassa (mezzo), Fazil Say (piano)

Ficha Técnica

Tipo de ProdutoCD
Número de Catálogo/ISBN0190295768973
Peso de item
Data gravação2017
Data de Lançamento2020